10 Perfect Video Game Sequels You'll Never Get
6. Assassin's Creed Set In The Modern Day (With Desmond)
Why Not?
Ubisoft killed him, despite all the previous games building up towards a sequel where ol' Dez was the main character.
What Would Be Perfect?
As mentioned, the second Assassin's Creed introduced the Bleeding Effect (where people in the present 'inherit' their ancestors' abilities by jacking into the Animus), we knew Desmond was eventually going to be an assassin.
Or at least... we thought we did, as following creative lead Patrice Desilets' departure from the team, Ubi promptly changed the direction of the franchise into a "Where are we going this year?"-style series of one-offs.
That fan-theorised idea of an Assassin's Creed set entirely in the modern day where we'd leap between buildings and pull-off assassinations from rooftops like some hidden blade-wielding Spider-Man? It never came to pass, and that remains one of the biggest mistakes Ubisoft ever made with the series.
The present day elements did remain in spots for Black Flag and Syndicate, but when it came to delivering on five games' worth of potential, Desmond's character arc was discarded and seldom brought back up, most likely not appearing in 2017's AC: Origins, either.