10 Perfect Video Games That NEVER Need To Be Remade

The gaming industry loves to go all Hollywood on us and revamp old titles, but which titles have charm built into their original form and should be left well alone?

Like an evil mastermind hellbent on crushing your dreams and making your life a misery, there's always someone out there who thinks it'd be a marvellous idea to remake something awesome into something shinier for the sake of just being new and 'modern'. Unfortunately this process in turn seems to sap everything good out of the original, reshaping it into a gelatinous oozing blob of hideousness that profoundly rubs the good name of the original in the dirt before proceeding to dump sixteen tonnes of extra dirt on top of it. In the video games industry, there's many titles out there that could be eligible for these people with dollar signs in their eyes to swoop in and try to revamp into something else - in fact some of these could probably do with a bit of polishing up and a new lick of paint - but many titles are so legendary, so painfully awesome, that to touch them at all would tantamount to sacrilege in the eyes of gamers everywhere. There are simply some games that should NEVER, ever be touched. Their status as classics threatens to unleash a backlash of epic proportions if they're done wrong and they simply must be left alone for all eternity lest the earth be swallowed by a colossal black hole of gamer irritation.

Dan Curtis is approximately one-half videogame knowledge, and the other half inexplicable Geordie accent. He's also one quarter of the Factory Sealed Retro Gaming podcast.