10 PlayStation Games Sony KILLED

1. P.T.

MAG game

Ten years later, and this one still stings. 

With Hideo Kojima working alongside Oscar-winning director, Guillermo del Toro, P.T. was set up to be truly ground-breaking. Despite only being 20 minutes long, the horror experience was lavished with praise, due to its eerie atmosphere, disturbing imagery, and photorealistic graphics.

And when the ending revealed P.T. was a playable teaser (hence the title) for an upcoming Silent Hill project starring Norman Reedus, it couldn't come out soon enough.

Although drastic changes in gaming development are nothing new, what came next was heart-breaking. After Kojima and his senior staff parted from Konami, the P.T. follow-up, Silent Hills, was cancelled.

Just to rub an ocean's worth of salt in the wounds, P.T. was withdrawn from the PlayStation Store three days later -  a decision that was regarded as spiteful, unprofessional, and cowardly. It caused such an uproar, that several gamers rebuilt P.T. from scratch or ported it to other systems. Due to legal issues, these recreations were rendered unplayable.

But who knows? Maybe P.T. will be available to download in the future. 

However, gamers have been disappointed so many times in the past, that nobody should be holding their breath.

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