10 PlayStation Games Sony KILLED

2. MAG

MAG game
Zipper Interactive

Before its release in 2010, MAG looked like it was going to have a long and prosperous future. Zipper Studio's MMO military shooter was the first game to maintain 256 players simultaneously, which was the world record at the time.

Each eight-player squad was overseen by a leader, who was selected if their rank was high enough. This mechanic incentivised players to be extra diligent during their playthrough, so they could be promoted to team leader. 

Since the missions involved air strikes, parachuting, tanks, and planes, the gameplay had a tremendous amount of variety. And with the well-structured skill tree, vast customisation, and plethora of diverse modes, MAG was a wonder to behold. It suffered from a few glitches and janky animations, but it wasn't enough to ruin the experience. With a couple more patches, MAG could've been epic.

However, everything went belly up when Sony unceremoniously shut down Zipper Studios in 2012, due to "resource re-alignment". When the developers went bust, it was no surprise when the servers were turned off less than two years later.

MAG may not have been perfect, but it deserved a much longer run.

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