10 PlayStation Problems Sony Want You To Forget

5. PSN Outages: 2011, 2013 AND 2014

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Sony, a multibillion international conglomerate, has been hacked, not once, not twice, but three times in five years.

That's ridiculous.

The gaps in data safety and the ease with which Sony's systems can be penetrated is an embarrassing blight on their reputation.

In 2011 hackers took down the PlayStation Network for an absurd 23 days and stole personal data from around 77 million accounts. Sony, deft as always, handled the situation poorly and did not notify users their data had been compromised for a whole week. Lawsuits and hundreds of millions of dollars later and Sony's reputation was in the dirt.

Then it happened again in 2013, and again in 2014.

While the 2013 and 2014 hacks were not as disabling as in 2011, they're indicative of Sony's terrible management. Clearly Sony had not learned their lesson. Three years after the initial hack and Sony's online protection was still as porous as Swiss cheese.

Poor public handling and the inability to improve really diminished Sony's once stellar reputation and made them a laughing stock internationally.

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