10 Pointless Super Mario Power Up Clones

1. Every Flying Item

Mario Cape Leaf

Since Mario soared in the skies in Super Mario Bros. 3, Nintendo have repeatedly tried to recapture that magical moment by incorporating a flying power up in most games.

Over the years, we've had the Super Leaf, the Power Balloon, the Carrot, the Super Acorn, the P-Wing, and the Bee Mushroom. And guess what? That's not even half of them! The franchise is oversaturated with flying items, most of which are too similar to stand out.

The Magical Feather isn't much different from the Super Leaf. The Stone Leaf in Super Mario 3D is identical to the Tanooki Suit of Super Mario Bros. 3. When New Super Mario Bros. U revealed the Super Acorn, players were disappointed to learn it was just another generic flying power up.

Instead of concocting new items, Nintendo should reuse some of the classics. Rather than using the Red Star to fly in Super Mario Galaxy, why didn't the develops incorporate the Wing Cap?

It is one of the most iconic power ups ever and hasn't made an appearance since 1996. Nintendo have made billions by embracing nostalgia so I'm sure fans wouldn't mine seeing some of the Goldie oldies rather than devising another uncreative power up.

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