10 POINTLESS Video Game Mechanics Gamers Always Use

9. The "Mario!" Button - Luigi's Mansion 3

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More than just a pointless, throwaway feature, this one is actually loved by fans of the series.

In the original Luigi's Mansion on Gamecube, players could press the A button to have Luigi call out his brother's name whilst skulking around the titular mansion.

The pitch and cadence of the "Mario!" changed depending on how frightened the green-clad plumber was at the time, and it's obvious just how much fun Charles Martinet had whilst recording these lines, with the panic and fear increasing in intensity with each take.

Controlling Luigi, we sneak round a corner, enquiring "Mario?" as we go, only to spot a terrifying (not terrifying) ghost... "Mario!!!" he shouts in a panic.

That's pretty much it, but the fans can't get enough.

Pragmatically speaking, Luigi does not acquire any upgrades for his trusty Poltergust G-OO by calling out Mario's name, nor does he gain the ability to jump, for example; it's literally useless beyond making us smile.

The "Mario!" button(s), therefore, is another example of developers adding a little flourish to the proceedings, providing a cute little feature for gamers to discover which, in this case, is one which has captured the imagination of Luigi's Mansion fans the world over.


Jedi Knight, last son of Krypton, backwards-compatible gaming nerd, Dark Knight of Teesside...