10 Pointless Video Game Mechanics Nobody Used
7. Social Features - GTA IV
Do you want to go bowling? No, no one wants to go bowling. GTA IV was a little misguided in accessing what its fans wanted. The social features were designed to create an engaging world, in which characters reacted outside of missions and cutscenes. However, they ultimately became a distraction to what players really wanted. To drive and shoot things.
And as a result, every call from dear cousin Roman was hung up or ignored. The sociality of the games was rarely used. It wasn't that they were a bad idea. But coming off of games that focussed on driving and shooting, they were a difficult sell. Especially when cousin Roman was a little... eccentric.
It comes down to the fact that no one plays GTA for the quiet character moments. Sure, they are nice. But when given the opportunity to mercilessly engage in a gang war, or spend quality time bowling, the choice is hardly a tough one to make.