10 Pokémon That NEED Evolutions

1. Farfetch’d

Pokemon Combee

Farfetch’d is one of those Pokémon that Game Freak have just never really known what to do with. Part of the original 151, the only way Farfetch’d could be caught in the original games was by trading with an NPC, and because of naming mechanics on trades it meant you were constantly walking around with a Pokémon named DUX.

Although to be fair, ‘constantly walking around with’ might be pushing it. Farfetch’d is a good Dex filler, and the duck and leek combination is a cheekier design than most, but you weren’t very likely to be battling gyms with this ‘mon in your party. Dodrio was a much better Flying option, if you weren’t attached to your early catches of Pidgeot and Fearow. Not to mention, Kanto was home to three Legendary birds as well.

Farfetch’d, for all it’s fun and memorable, is arguably the worst pure Flying type not just in Kanto, but across any of the regions. It retains a certain level of popularity, but the fact that it’s close to useless in game means many trainers struggle to find any purpose for it. An evolution would be a real feather in the cap for Farfetch’d fans though.

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Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)