10 Pokémon That NEED Evolutions

2. Luvdisc

Pokemon Combee

Whether Luvdisc really needs an evolution is debatable, considering how weak and generally unpopular it is, but Game Freak so needlessly pulled the rug out from under it that it’s one of the most frequently asked for evolutions.

A heart shaped fish is a nice enough idea, though not hugely inspired. It first appeared in Generation III, and when Alomomola - another heart shaped fish - arrived in Generation V, everyone expected the two would be part of the same line. For frankly unfathomable reasons, they were both just standalone Pokémon.

By that logic, you could just as easily argue that Alomomola needs an evolution too, but Luvdisc just feels more deserving. The disappointment the small group of Luvdisc fans felt when it transpired that Alomomola was not connected to the creature has inflated into a fanbase meme now; an evolution would be seen as justice.

In all honesty, an evolution might not result in Luvdisc seeing too many trainers adding it to their main six, not when there’s so many great Water types out there. However, it will at least offer the little fish done closure at last.

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Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)