10 Pokémon That NEED Evolutions

9. Bruxish

Pokemon Combee

Water is by far the most populous typing in the entire game, so it stands to reason that some Pokémon get lost in the shuffle.

Bruxish is one such Pokémon. Debuting in the most recent Sun/Moon games, it doesn’t have enough charm to dethrone long time Water favourites like Vaporeon, Gyarados or Mantine. However, it does have enough potential that an evolution could change all of that.

Similarly to Hawlucha, Bruxish has a unique design that could really do with being utilised more. The basic silhouette is decent enough, certainly full of more flavour than the ‘Literally Just A Fish Gang’ of Goldeen, Whiscash and Finneon. However, it’s the colour palette that sees this one really come to life.

Its trippy design is a rainbow explosion, like the pop art pictures from the 1960s. With Bruxish’s exaggerated features, it’s reminiscent of The Beatles’ Yellow Submarine, and it’s a design choice that could be expanded on in a variety of ways if Bruxish ever evolves.

With so many Water Pokémon having designs that feel kind of phoned in, it would be a shame if one of the most creative ones never got expanded on.

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Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)