10 Pokémon That NEED Evolutions

8. Seviper

Pokemon Combee

Pokémon being spun off from animals is nothing new, going all the way back to Generation I. With Ekans and especially Arbok, they struck gold with their snake based designs, creating a Pokémon that - cemented by its role in the anime - is still a fan favourite today.

In the Hoenn region of Generation III, Game Freak had another go with snake designs in the form of Seviper. However, it failed to really slither out from Arbok’s considerable shadow, and as a result it feels like a bit of an oddball in the Pokémon roster now.

Among the many changes in the Hoenn games was the introduction of double battles, and with that came a lot of Pokémon duos. Plusle and Minun, Lunatone and Solrock, Illumise and Volbeat... the game certainly committed to this concept. Seviper was also a part of this, with its backstory confirming a rivalry with the mongoose Pokémon, Zangoose.

If Seviper were to get an evolution then, this rivalry may yet continue with Zangoose matching it and the two old foes going head to head once more. If not, it’ll forever be the ‘other’ snake Pokémon.

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Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)