10 Pokémon That NEED Evolutions

5. Corsola

Pokemon Combee

The likes of Dunsparce and Chimecho could easily be here in place of Chimecho, but the cute pink coral just edges them out by virtue of its popularity and design. It’s got one of the cuddliest designs, and while there’s a load of rough and tough ‘mons that get love (Charizard, Garchomp, Genesect...), the photogenic ones tend to draw the biggest crowd.

Dunsparce, looking like a squashed slug, belongs in the ‘Pokémon Who Don’t Really Look Like Pokémon’ club with Mr. Mime and Huntail, while Chimecho, for all it’s supposed to be based on an traditional Japanese wind chime, looks like something far less sanitary.

The big issue these three - and a few more besides - suffer from the same basic problem; they’re incredibly rare and in no way worth it. Obviously for collectors, something like Corsola is a bit of a boon, considering how much time is often spent looking for one. But after that, they’re just deposited in the PC and never thought of again.

With an evolution, all the effort a trainer put in might be rewarded by being able to actually use Corsola’s line in a decisive battle.

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Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)