10 Pokémon That NEED Evolutions

3. Grumpig

Pokemon Combee

A lot of what was said about Sandslash could also go towards Grumpig, although without the Gen I nostalgia; Grumpig is only really liked about as much as any other mid level ‘mon.

If you caught a Spoink early enough in your game and got attached to it, Grumpig isn’t the worst Pokémon to have around, but in the immensely powerful Psychic type it’s dwarved by most of its rivals. It’s not just the stats that suggest Grumpig could do with a little boost; its backstory is the main reason this little piggy should go wee wee wee all the way to a third stage evolution.

Spoink, the pre evolution of Grumpig, is a pig with a curly tail and, like Tiggr from Winnie the Pooh, it bounces up and down on it. The spring/oink combination is one of the better Pokémon puns.

The Pokédex entry tells us that this bouncing isn’t just for fun; it actually powers the little guy’s heart. Dex entries are famously exaggerated and this would raise the question about how fainting doesn’t kill it, but still. It would be cool if an evolution linked into this compelling backstory a little more.

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Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)