10 Pokémon Who Deserve Mega Evolutions

8. Meowstic

Mega Gengar Pokken
The Pokémon Company

Meowstic has really suffered from debuting at the wrong time. Though Pokémon has always enjoyed a lot of popularity, each Generation saw a growing schism between Genwunners who only played the first games, and the more committed fanbase who stuck with it right up to Alola.

Pokemon Go particularly, but to an extent Let's Go and Detective Pikachu too, have closed this gap. Many have returned to the franchise to find it much larger than when they left, and are discovering new favourites. Meowstic is still too deep in the roster to have benefitted from Pokemon Go (which is currently still rolling out Gen IV's Sinnoh), but it has definite mascot potential.

Many of the players who stuck with it are perhaps less interested in cuddly marketability than more casual players are, and even though this Psychic cat is perfect for this, not many people even know about it. Giving it a Mega and putting it in trailers therefore offers them two birds with one stone.

To casual players, Meowstic will appear to be a new creature and will therefore garner some increased interest; while more frequent players will know its moveset, base stats and typing, and will immediately consider its meta use.

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Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)