10 Poorly Dressed Characters No One Should Ever Cosplay

1. Voldo (Soul Calibur series)

Voldo And finally, we arrive at Soul Calibur's Voldo. Appearing in every game of the series, each installment of Voldo includes a long list of reasons why nobody should ever consider cosplying the character. Let's start first with the crotch plate highlighting the fighter's junk. If you hadn't noticed it it's probably all you can look at right now and I apologize, but it's reason #1 that no cosplayers should ever entertain the idea of going out as Voldo. Let's then move to the character's trademark headgear in which his eyes are covered at all times. One of the first questions cosplayers should ask themselves is, "Will I be able to see in this costume?" If the answer is no, it's probably best to pick another character. The photo above is Voldo as he appears in Soul Calibur V, the most recent addition to the series, and developers have only made things worse. While Voldo was never well-dressed or cosplay appropriate, the tiger print fur has only made him even less appealing. Voldo is a special combination of every character on this list. He's creepy, inappropriate, over-the-top, and oddly funny. Voldo: the complete package.
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Writer and college student at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, VA. I love movies, music, television, and sharing my thoughts about culture in general.