10 Poorly Dressed Characters No One Should Ever Cosplay

5. Tabitha (Fallout: New Vegas)

Tabitha Resized

If your goal is to dress like a manifesto-writing, lunatic radio host, then please by all means learn as much from Tabitha as you can. Like many characters on this list, Tabitha's creepy-level is off the charts, to the point where it's special. What is it that's so "special" about Tabitha? Is it the strap she's biting on like a horse? Is it the heart-shaped glasses straight from the Dollar Tree children's section? Is it the wig that couldn't possibly fail to unsettle even the most steel-nerved gamer? Is it the combination of all three of those accessories and the soldier-quality combat armor? Yes to every single one of those questions.
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Writer and college student at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, VA. I love movies, music, television, and sharing my thoughts about culture in general.