10 Poorly Dressed Characters No One Should Ever Cosplay

6. Izzy Sparks (Guitar Hero Series)

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Sometimes over-the-top works, and sometimes it makes you uncomfortable and you quit the song so you can change your character. Most default characters in the Guitar Hero series cater to the most absurd ideas of what a rockstar really looks like, none more than Izzy Sparks. The worst part of Sparks' style is the conflicting nature between his upper body and lower body choices. If you examine Sparks' torso without taking his head into account, it immediately becomes a mystery to whether the character is male or female. Next are the pants, which I can only assume came from a Halloween costume inspired by Tron. Thankfully, the folks at Guitar Hero gave players the ability to create their own characters in later games to save players the frustration of getting stuck with default players such as Sparks.
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Writer and college student at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, VA. I love movies, music, television, and sharing my thoughts about culture in general.