10 Poorly Dressed Characters No One Should Ever Cosplay

3. Miror B (Pokemon Colosseum)

Miror B 600x300 Whenever I find myself discussing 2004's Pokemon Colosseum, one of the first topics of discussion is Team Snagem's Miror B. It's hard to pick out any particular aspect of Miror B's wardrobe that makes him such an eyesore, so I'll go step-by-step. First of all, unless you completely destroyed all the competition in your elementary school math class, you should never be wielding that many gold stars anywhere on your body. We have his oddly-pointy sleeves, which likely makes picking anything up a challenging, if not impossible task. My eyes are then drawn to his glasses--or are those swimming goggles? Either way, they look as if they could take flight at any given moment. I won't bring Miror's red-and-white afro into the equation, seeing as it isn't technically apart of his wardrobe, but I know you all see it.
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Writer and college student at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, VA. I love movies, music, television, and sharing my thoughts about culture in general.