10 Popular Video Game Debates That Need To Die

8. [Insert Genre Here] Is Too Popular!

horizon forbidden west

First Person Shooters. Mascot Platformers. Single Player Adventure Games. Sports Titles. You name it, there are chuds online throwing a tantrum about people liking a thing. And y'know what? Sometimes you can see where they're coming from.

Take films as a parallel example. It can be a little disheartening to look at your local multiplex and see nothing but superheroes and franchises dominating the box office.

That, is what we call "step one".

Turns out, films don't begin and end with your local Vue. Independent cinemas and online streaming services like Mubi provide exciting alternatives to whatever Marvel is churning out this week.

Gaming, in turn, doesn't begin and end with the latest AAA extravaganza or live service addiction machine. The more you look, the more interesting, unique and boundary-pushing experiences you'll find. Whether that's deep within your console networks, Steam or itch.io.

Just this week, I played a put-upon reporter in Headliner: Novinews, deciding which news stories my channel broadcasts and watching the societal impact of them in real time. Before that, I was captivated by Inscryption's mix of deck building mechanics, escape room mysteries and folk-horror chills.

It's never been easier to create video games, and it's never been easier to find them. So find them!


Will Howard hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.