10 Popular Video Games Developers Abandoned

1. Anthem

mass effect andromeda liara

Bioware and EA's second game on this list - there's a pattern emerging. Seemingly gone are the days Bioware produced near flawless single-player RPGs like Baldur's Gate, Knights of the Old Republic and the original Dragon Age, and the company has decided to turn its hand to disappointing online shooters. Not the best business decision in the world, but who's to stop them?

A crowded market and post-release game issues translated into a less-than-stellar commercial performance for the online action RPG, so much so that EA abandoned their original post-launch content plans, an Acts structure, in favour of seasonal updates. Supposedly, this is to focus on improving the performance of the core game, but with stiff competition from the likes of both battle royales and more traditional first-person shooters, is it too little, too late? Perhaps it's time to get working on that new KOTOR instead, guys.


Did we miss any obvious games abandoned by their developers? Let us know in the comments!

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I'm perfectly sane, or so the voices tell me. British, sarcastic, president of the European Slinky Association, have a tendency to lie when listing things about myself. 100% guilty of being a massive geek obsessed with Doctor Who, Harry Potter and video games. If you can't find me on the internet, I'm probably locked in a room playing Spyro the Dragon on my old PlayStation, or blowing everything to smithereens with a concrete donkey on Worms: Armageddon.