10 Popular Video Games Developers Abandoned

2. Mass Effect: Andromeda

mass effect andromeda liara

In any medium, when a series produces a near-perfect trilogy, a fourth instalment always runs the risk of being a comparative disappointment - Star Wars: The Phantom Menace, The Bourne Legacy and Toy Story 4 to name a few from Hollywood. In the world of video games, you would be hard-pressed to find a more well-loved trilogy than the original Mass Effect - lacklustre original ending and all.

So it is no surprise that the announcement of Mass Effect: Andromeda at E3 2015 was met with cheers and eager anticipation from both fans and the media. With Bioware at the helm, what could possibly go wrong? Turns out, quite a lot. Hit-and-miss writing, awkward animations, poor handling by the devs; the game got more wrong than it did right.

Poor reception and, more importantly, sales, ultimately led to the decision not to make any DLC, and what may tentatively have begun as a new direction for the Mass Effect franchise instead all but rang its own death knell, with not a Turian or Geth in sight ever since.

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I'm perfectly sane, or so the voices tell me. British, sarcastic, president of the European Slinky Association, have a tendency to lie when listing things about myself. 100% guilty of being a massive geek obsessed with Doctor Who, Harry Potter and video games. If you can't find me on the internet, I'm probably locked in a room playing Spyro the Dragon on my old PlayStation, or blowing everything to smithereens with a concrete donkey on Worms: Armageddon.