10 Popular Video Games Developers Abandoned

5. Rainbow Six: Vegas 2

mass effect andromeda liara

Rainbow Six: Vegas was a divisive instalment in the franchise based on Tom Clancy's seminal novel of the same name. It marked a shift away from the cover-based, careful-planning-required early games and felt more like a regular action shooter in which the Rambo approach could potentially be successful on lower difficulties. Vegas 2, the sequel-cum-prequel, improved on the foundations laid by its predecessor, resulting in a well-rounded and pretty addictive game, with Terrorist Hunt being the game's main pull - a game mode which would become the central focus of Siege.

Following its March 2008 release, Ubisoft offered a free "Community Map Pack" in June containing three reworked maps for multiplayer modes, which they called fan favourites. After this... nothing. Despite a steady player base across all game modes, Vegas 2 was unceremoniously forgotten, never to receive any further additional content.

Nevertheless, the game remained well-populated for many years, even being included in initial copies of Siege for the Xbox, as a backwards-compatible title, adding it to the library of even more gamers. If only Ubisoft had taken more time to craft further content for this gem. Then again, perhaps they were too busy using pirated no-CD cracks to patch the broken PC version.

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I'm perfectly sane, or so the voices tell me. British, sarcastic, president of the European Slinky Association, have a tendency to lie when listing things about myself. 100% guilty of being a massive geek obsessed with Doctor Who, Harry Potter and video games. If you can't find me on the internet, I'm probably locked in a room playing Spyro the Dragon on my old PlayStation, or blowing everything to smithereens with a concrete donkey on Worms: Armageddon.