10 Popular Video Games Developers Abandoned

3. Battlefield 2

mass effect andromeda liara
Electronic Arts

EA has an annoying habit of creating entertaining and highly addictive online games, only to shut down their servers a few years later on a whim, presumably to make gamers buy their newer, and often inferior, releases.

Battlefield 2, one of the most successful and well-loved instalments in the franchise of the same name, enjoyed nine years of server support until 2014 when they were shut down in a mass cull of around 50 titles. The public outcry this caused actually resulted in EA performing a rare U-turn - but only for another three years.

In 2017, they closed the servers once again, this time permanently putting Battlefield 2 into safe storage, once again to the behest of its players who felt the company were forcing their newer releases on them. It is a testament to how good a game Battlefield 2 was that as late as 2019, more players populated third-party PC servers than Hardline's official ones - despite EA having already forced the leading hosts of these to cease operating through legal action. EA may have abandoned Battlefield 2, but the fans certainly haven't.

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I'm perfectly sane, or so the voices tell me. British, sarcastic, president of the European Slinky Association, have a tendency to lie when listing things about myself. 100% guilty of being a massive geek obsessed with Doctor Who, Harry Potter and video games. If you can't find me on the internet, I'm probably locked in a room playing Spyro the Dragon on my old PlayStation, or blowing everything to smithereens with a concrete donkey on Worms: Armageddon.