10 Popular Video Games You're Playing Wrong

6. XCOM 2 - Use Ironman To Prevent Save-Scumming

xcom 2

In a tactical game like XCOM 2, one wrong move, one botched attack or one risky decision can result in you losing progress and being trapped in a match that's most likely unwinnable, a reality the majority of players bypass by save scumming.

Saving after every move means a fatal mistake can easily be undone by loading up the file before you executed the error, allowing you to hopefully recover any of the progress you may have botched. Of course, this isn't exactly the most noble or honest tactic, and relying on it too heavily can actually take away the entire point of playing a top-down tactical shooter like XCOM.

Fortunately, to alleviate the temptation of scumming your way to victory, the second game has an Ironman mode that removes the option entirely, saving your progress automatically and not allowing you to load before a disastrous move.

Obviously, the length of matches in XCOM means this style of play isn't exactly the most accessible for everyone, but for the purest tactical experience, Ironman should be the only option.

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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3