10 Post-Credit Video Game Scenes You Shouldn't Have Missed - Commenter Edition

9. Nier Automata - The Final Bullet-Hell Challenge

Nier automata
Platinum Games

If I was being cheeky, half of Nier: Automata could technically count as a post-credit scene. After all, this is a game you have to complete at least three times to see everything, with subsequent play throughs making substantial changes to the narrative and often extending beyond where the previous one finished.

Consequently, there are so many twists and turns that technically happen after the credits (not to mention all of the joke endings which also hit you with a credits sequence), but the final, final "proper" ending features the most memorable of all these choices.

Here, after finally reaching the true conclusion, you're given control again as the credits roll for one final bullet-hell sequence. The twist is, this is by far the most difficult challenge in the game, and you only stand a chance when the gamertags of other players who have finished the story help you out in the form of AI companions.

Once you achieve victory, you discover where those helpers came from. The game reveals the people attached to those profiles sacrificed their saved game data - deleting it all permanently - to add their avatar to the list of companions aiding you.

The player is then hit with the same final choice: do the same and help out a stranger, or say nah and keep your save.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3