10 Post-Credit Video Game Scenes You Shouldn't Have Missed - Commenter Edition

8. Every Metal Gear Solid Game - A Final Twist

Metal Gear Solid 4 Snake Big Boss

Every Metal Gear Solid game features an excellent post-credits stinger, and it feels wrong to only mention one here. For the most part, these little CODEC calls that bookend each title leave players on a cliffhanger ending, delivering some kind of big twist that recontextualises everything you've just experienced.

For me, the second game offers the biggest WTF revelation. After spending a full game on the hunt for the Patriots, trying to understand their motives and the world-changing events they've put into motion, the game ends with Otacon and Snake finally tracking down their identities.

The twist is, the people identified as the Patriots have been dead for years. Cue the spooky music, and a cliffhanger finale that wouldn't be answered for a whole console generation.

MGS 4 also saves a chunk of its biggest revelations for after the close of its main story, having not only an epilogue but also a "debriefing" which attempts to wrap up everything. Its true post-credit sequence, though, is a sweet little moment between Snake and best pal Otacon, with the two promising to spend their remaining time together. Cute.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3