10 Potential Plot Twists That Could Ruin Upcoming Video Games

7. It's Actually Canon To The Metal Gear Universe - Metal Gear Survive

Metal Gear Survive

The Twist: Despite Konami's original insistence to the contrary, it turns out that Metal Gear Survive's wormhole-and-zombie-based shenanigans are, in fact, canon in Hideo Kojima's beloved franchise.

Why It Could Ruin The Game: Because it would feel like a massive thumb of the nose to Kojima, to run his franchise into the ground once he's out the door. Exploiting the series without his involvement is bad enough, but at least if there's no canonical label on it, fans can just appreciate it for what it is without any worry about Kojima's world-building being tampered with.

How Likely Is It?: There's little indication that this is a particularly story-heavy game with any direct nods to the core series, and while trusting Konami is a fool's errand, it'd be enormously stupid for them to alienate their fast-dwindling fanbase any further. Then again, this is Konami after all. 3/10


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.