10 Potential Plot Twists That Could Ruin Upcoming Video Games

6. Joel Is Dead The Whole Time - The Last Of Us Part II

The Last Of Us Part 2
Naughty Dog

The Twist: It's revealed near the end of the game that Joel died before it even began, and Ellie has merely been imagining interacting with him throughout it.

Why It Could Ruin The Game: Because it's such an obvious direction to take, and fans called it pretty much immediately after the game's first trailer dropped back in December. Plus, it's such a hokey and cheesy narrative conceit at this point that wouldn't necessarily make that much sense, and Naughty Dog's team are capable of so much better.

How Likely Is It?: Not very, because Naughty Dog just aren't that lazy, and even if it were the case, they probably wouldn't have hinted at the possibility so blatantly in that first trailer, considering the game is presumably still several years out. 1/10


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.