A lot of playtime in the 3D Fallout games is spent traversing across long stretches of desert, hoping you'll come across a new location or at least a new terrifying mutated creature to run away from. It can get awful lonely, let alone boring. That's why Fallout 3 had those two radio stations you could tune into. Radio stations which replayed the same couple of doo-wop songs and bits of chatter from either the infuriating shock-jock Three Dog, or else Malcolm McClaren talking a lot about baseball. That ended up being more irritating than just strolling along in silence for hours. The return of the pip-boy means, presumably, a return for the radio. Galaxy News Radio has been glimpsed on advertising banners in the Fallout 4 trailer, and voice of Three Dog Erik Dellums has hinted at a return. In the age of Grand Theft Auto V's multiple, dynamic radio stations with scores of songs and different shows depending on your environment, that level of between-battle banter just won't cut it.
Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/