10 Potential Superhero Video Games (And Who Should Make Them)

9. Hellboy: From Software

Hellboy Mignola New Format
Dark Horse

I really don't know why I'm even asking for this. Like, I'm terrible at Dark Souls, so to ask for a game featuring one of my favourite characters to be made by the literal studio from Hell is, whilst admittedly fitting, a little daft. But hey, at least I'd have the let's plays to watch, right?

Anyone who's at least vaguely familiar with FS's talents will know they have a knack for creating some really grotesque (and often gothic) imagery. Bloodborne in particular wore its Lovecraft-ian roots on its sleeve (proudly, I might add), and it's for this reason that they're ideally suited for tackling the son of the demon himself, Hellboy.

The idea of getting a minimalist, uniquely gothic Hellboy title would be a fanboy's dream come true, especially so, given how the last time Hellboy visited the medium it was in the catatonic crapfest that was The Science of Evil. Regardless, I can definitely see some sort of Hellboy-themed title getting the nod in the near future, particularly so if the planned Lionsgate/David Harbour film reboot moves ahead on schedule. If only they weren't perpetually Souls bound...

Content Producer/Presenter
Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.