10 Powerful Video Game Features NOBODY Uses (But You Should)

9. Trap-Making - Dragon Age: Origins

fallout 4 syringer rifle

Dragon Age: Origins comes with a rather expansive crafting system that allows you to create your own potions, poisons, and traps, depending on which skill you specialize your character in.

Most players tend to stick to the first two, using the crafting mechanic to stack up on healing salves and concoctions whenever they're running low on them. The trap-making skill, on the other hand, is typically ignored as laying down traps feels time-consuming and making them requires quite a few custom ingredients that take up precious inventory space.

However, creating and using your own traps is secretly one of the most overpowered tactics in the game.

Setting up the right sequence of traps can help you kill and neutralize most of your enemies before your party even has to enter combat, helping you preserve their energy and expend far fewer potions in combat.

The traps are incredibly cost-efficient, especially if you make them yourself, and they can immediately set any battle in your favor, even when fighting far stronger opponents.

It's actually why trap-making has become a trademark of Dragon Age: Origins solo runs and why lone Grey Wardens are usually crazed MacGyvers, killing hordes of darkspawn with makeshift death zones of tripwires and booby traps.

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.