10 Powerful Video Game Features NOBODY Uses (But You Should)

8. The Syringer Rifle - Fallout 4

fallout 4 syringer rifle

The Syringer is a rare weapon from Fallout 4, which allows you to shoot custom chemically-infused darts at your enemies.

While the premise of the weapon sounds fun, most people tend to sell it or keep it stashed in their settlement as the ammunition for the weapon is difficult and quite tedious to craft, requiring you to brew each dart individually using rare chemicals and ingredients.

Well, except there is one dart type that is actually pretty easy to make, and if you know what you're doing, it will completely change the way you think about the Syringer.

The Pax Syringe is a type of Syringer ammo that is crafted using only a mutfruit, nuka cola, and a piece of steel. When fired, it has a chance to turn the hit enemy non-hostile, which in turn opens up a world of possibilities for you.

With enemies pacified, you can steal their weapons, take them out one by one, or even pickpocket their fusion cores if they're wearing power armor, forcing them to step out of it and leave it free for the taking.

The Pax Syringe is the only ammunition in the game capable of this, so be sure not to sleep on the Syringer, or else you'll miss out on a lot of broken fun.

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.