10 Powerful Video Game Intros That Gave You Chills

9. Final Fantasy VII

Mass Effect 2 intro opening normandy

We're at an age now where someone can say, "Which version, original or remake" and you can triumphantly say either.

I'm not going to gatekeep and say, "Well the original is vastly superior", but it had a bigger impact for many due it being so new. Gamers of 1997 weren't used to epic FMV's of this length and magnitude.

Those quiet strings and ominous nature as we look out to the sky, before panning into the mysterious flower girl's face was enticing. Then that swell as we see how vast and sprawling Midgar is, as the crescendo kicks in for the title.

That might be it, but then... there's a train?!

Wait, why are we focusing on this train? Oh wow, this is a seamless(ish) blend of FMV and gameplay and... wow, I get to play as that guy?!

It was the first time PlayStation owners had a game of such magnitude to get into, and Squaresoft didn't hold back with that intro sequence.

That a tech demo in 2005 could illicit that same response is testament enough... and don't get me started on the beauty of the new one.


Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.