10 Powerful Video Game Intros That Gave You Chills

8. Batman: Arkham Asylum

Mass Effect 2 intro opening normandy
Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment

Granted, fans of the Batman lore would have seen this coming a mile off. Heck, anyone that's ever seen a film that starts with an imprisoned villain could see this coming, but that's not the point.

As a game series, we had yet to experience the darker side of Batman. Arcade games, beat 'em ups, racers were old hat, but exploring the dark halls of Arkham Asylum was a fresh experience.

Such as it was that the initially march through the Gothic Gotham nuthouse was an eye-opening, engrossing trip. The dichotomy in trying to focus on the Joker and take in the surroundings was hard enough, but that's not what sent chills.

It was the claustrophobic corridors, lifts and containment rooms that set the scene for Batman: you're going to be here until the job's done. These narrow passages will be your confines for the next several hours, get used to it.

It's a shame that the dark and encasing nature was somewhat lost in the sequels, but Rocksteady's first offering nailed the dark bit of the Dark Knight perfectly.


Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.