10 Powerful Video Game Intros That Gave You Chills

7. Half-Life 2

Mass Effect 2 intro opening normandy

Nobody likes being woken up at the best of times.

However, we usually get this displeasure from the comfort of our beds, not a weird stasis-y limbo... thing.

Nor do we often get told to rise and shine by a mysterious entity we know nothing about, or expect to find ourselves on a train.

As on opening, Half-Life 2 set the scene perfectly, but it didn't stop there. As you pull up into City 17, you start to notice the Orwellian oppression at the hands of the Combine. In your absence, things have gone to pot.

That's putting it lightly. The Combine have taken over, it's up to Gordon Freeman to once again save the day, but we don't know what's going on... initially.

Familiar and new faces alike start to flow back in over time, but that initial half hour is so ambiguous and disorientating, we didn't know what to expect.

Much like the slow build of the first one, Half-Life 2 delivered a chilling look at dystopia. We were the hero, but you really don't feel like it at the start.


Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.