10 Powerful Video Game Villains That Died In Stupid Ways

8. Devin Weston - GTA 5

Dead Rising 3 thumbnail
Rockstar Games

Despite being a billionaire, owning a private military company, and just generally being able to use his wealth to do whatever, Devin Weston does not escape the sweet embrace of karma - so long as you pick Option C at the end of GTA 5, of course (but then most people seemingly did).

Because, in this ending, after duping the corrupt FIB members and the Merryweather corporation to kill one another, our questionably heroic protagonists hunt Weston down and kidnap him. In a cutscene few will ever forget, Trevor reveals a tied up Devin in his car trunk, stripped down to his underwear, before you get to push his car into the ocean with him inside, sealing his doom.

It's almost overkill, but such a suitably dramatic way to close off the entire events of the game you feel more darkly delighted to see Devin die than feeling as though it was overdramatic.

Any ending that contains one elaborate death, one two minute speech on the evils of capitalism from Michael De Santa, and a bit of bonding between three loyal criminals is an ending well worth watching,

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Dead Rising 3
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