10 Powerful Video Game Villains That Died In Stupid Ways

7. RinRin - MadWorld

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There is not a single boss death in MadWorld that is not wonderfully and totally weird, and RinRin is no exception to this rule.

Equal parts elegant and bloodthirsty, RinRin uses everything in her arsenal to try and take you down, including some cool fan weapons, bombs, and her own not inconsiderable fighting prowess. As the fight grows steadily more and more difficult, you might find yourself wondering how dramatic her demise will be when you finally defeat her - as at this point you've already chopped a guy into ground pork with his own helicopter blade weapon.

And when it comes to wanting a suitably intense (and ridiculous) death, you will not be disappointed. Upon defeating RinRin, you then throw her into a huge plate next to an animatronic, which then picks her up and chews her in its maw, crushing her to death.

It's a brutal death - with all of the gore you've at this point come to expect from MadWorld every step of the way - but it's also a death that leaves you chuckling away at how silly it is at the same time.

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Dead Rising 3
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