10 Powerful Video Game Weapons You Had ONE CHANCE To Obtain

1. Excalibur II - Final Fantasy IX

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Square Enix

On average, Final Fantasy IX takes almost 40 hours to complete. But to obtain the game's most powerful weapon, Excalibur II, players must reach the Gate to Space in the final dungeon in under 12.

Somehow, performing this feat is even less fair than it sounds.

Firstly, you need to skip all side-quests, meaning you miss out on helpful items and weapons, and because some battles can drag on through no fault of the player, resetting at the nearest save point is a must if a single fight takes too long. More annoying still, FF IX's long-winded conversations and FMV sequences can't be skipped, and pausing doesn't stop the timer from counting down either.

Worst of all, the PAL version of FF IX runs slower than the Japanese and American versions. As a result, people playing on a European system had an exponentially harder time acquiring this sword.

Fortunately, the quest is much easier in the Remastered version, since it includes a speed-up function. Nevertheless, obtaining such a godlike weapon is a tall order, and because the requirements are so tight, most gamers don't bother, knowing they'll miss their chance forever, once their run-time goes one second over 12 hours.

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