2. Working Through Your Lunch Break So You Can Rush Home To Play
So, you've booked the day(s) off, the game is as awesome as you'd hoped, but there's one problem: it's two weeks later and you're still totally hooked. You've used up all your holiday days on the damn game, so you've actually got to, you know, go back to work and make a living for yourself. It sucks, but such is life, though if your boss isn't a total douche-canoe, there is at least one thing you can do to save yourself some time. Ask your boss if you can work through your lunch break, so you can leave at 4pm instead of 5pm, missing the rush hour mania while you're at it. If you've ever done this, you'll know the feeling: it's 3:57pm, your work is finished and you're itching to race out the door. You're watching the seconds tick away as your boss looks at you suspiciously, and you prey he doesn't ask you to do "one last thing". It's 3:59pm, you get nervous and bolt for the door, running as fast as your legs will carry you to your car or public transport, and make your way home. You burst through your front door, put your feet up, and game away until you can't game anymore...or until you realise you need to sleep and repeat this madness the next day.
Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes).
General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.