10 Problems Only Gamers Will Understand

5. Using Your Expensive New Console Mostly For Indie Games

It's common knowledge that buying a next-gen console on release is typically not a great idea: you pay well over the odds for the hardware, and the software isn't particularly cheap either. In addition, there just aren't that many games for the platforms worth buying until at least 12-18 months after each console releases, by which time developers have gotten a firm handle on the technical limitations and a decent-ish library has been built up. Take the current generation of gaming: neither the Xbox One nor the PS4 has a particularly impressive line-up of exclusive titles, and there haven't been too many titles on the whole that have been worth keeping once they've been played through. For many, they've been using their consoles more as both media centers (especially in the case of the Xbox One) and, more in the case of the PS4, to play the litany of indie titles that are available to download. Sure, these games are great fun and cheap as chips, but they don't exactly show off why you spent £350+ on the hardware in the first place, and might well make you reconsider buying a console on launch in the future.
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.