10 Problems Nobody Admits About Mass Effect (That Andromeda Can Fix)

9. Combat & The Cover System

mass effect 2

For as much as EA touted Mass Effect 3 as "the perfect place to jump in!" story-wise, it was a claim supposedly backed up by the game's increased focus on action. With more contextual takedown animations, an expanded roster of weapons and more destructive powers, Mass Effect 3 saw Bioware set their sights firmly on the action-loving Call of Duty crowd.

Such an approach would've paid dividends - and was still serviceable enough for the campaign - but revisiting Mass Effect now, be it the original or third entry (somehow ME2 remains the most playable) and you'll quickly realise how awkward they are to control.

Basic movement in the original feels stilted thanks to its shooting elements playing second fiddle to dialogue and role-playing, whereas despite ME3 taking on more of the Gears of War framework, character control is forever at odds with a camera that obscures cover, getting in way too close and ensuring you can never comfortably move backwards without turning around.

Weapon switching was always done through the selection wheel, and the 'dodge roll' was always that little bit too slow in any direction other than left or right to be of any use. Across the board, large skirmishes in Mass Effect 1 and 3 always felt 'off', so here's hoping Bioware have returned to the second game's sweet spot, before building on it accordingly.

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