10 Problems Nobody Admits About Mass Effect (That Andromeda Can Fix)

7. Class-Based Powers Were Always Too Restrictive


As a function of gameplay, being able to do things like cloaking yourself, slowing down time, zipping across the battlefield as a ball of light etc. were all great fun, but there's very rarely an RPG that doesn't allow you to 're-spec' your character at some point or another. In Mass Effect 2 and 3 though, once you'd picked your class you were locked to it, never changing unless you either restarted the game afresh, or once over after the credits.

In Andromeda, this is one of the biggest gameplay overhauls that's been implemented and seen in-action. Now when choosing your loadout of powers and weapons, you're given the option to select a base power, meaning all of the above - and hopefully way more - 'class powers' are available at any time.

We're yet to find out if you're restricted to changing your build when enemies aren't around, or if you could pause, unleash a specific move, pause, switch to another and repeat, but either way this is a really worthwhile positive.

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Gaming Editor

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