10 Problems Nobody Admits About Mass Effect (That Andromeda Can Fix)

6. Another Truly Great Villain (And Final Fight)

mass effect saren

Whisper it, but The Illusive Man was always way more fun to speculate on than fight or be at odds with, being that it's only at the close of ME 2 you really get to take a stance against him, and in Mass Effect 3 he turns up as a half-synthetic mess masquerading as a 'final boss'.

Both The Illusive Man, the Collectors and the occasional no-faced Reaper from ME2 and 3 don't hold a candle to Saren; the multi-faceted antagonist who - thanks to aligning with the Reapers as a way to figure how to stop them - was almost right all along in betraying the Alliance. Almost.

As Mass Effect grew bigger, its villains grew more one-dimensional - just look at the one-two crap-combo of Mass Effect 2's giant mecha-human, or Mass Effect 3's introduction of Kai Leng; a space samurai with more clichés than a Michael Bay marathon.

So far we've seen little of the Archon - Andromeda's new enemy, who for some reason speaks English - but there is hope that in focusing on a specific individual and fleshing them out accordingly means we'll go into that final duel with our phasers set to either stun or kill, for a change.

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