10 Progressive Characters Who Prove Video Games Aren't Bigoted

4. You - Dragon Age/Mass Effect

In games like Mass Effect 3 and Dragon Age you are the character. You craft them as best you can to be whoever and whatever you want them to be and in terms of progression that's where games really got it right. In both these games not only do they allow you to build your character to best physically represent you, but they also allow you to set your sexual orientation to adapt the game around your own real life preferences, making them some of the most open and inclusive games created to date. It€™s a great addition for gamers who have played this type of game but, in a world designed on choice, have been pigeon holed into storylines that don€™t best represent who they are. So, in Mass Effect 3, for example, you have the option to come out and the game will then factor in the choice and adapt the storyline appropriately. In Dragon Age, not only do you have the choice but there is a plethora of characters who are straight, gay or bisexual and in an industry that seems to be still lacking in this area, hopefully it will be one of many games to create more open, realistic and diverse worlds. For bonus points Dragon Age also included a whole section in an in-game codex surrounding sexuality for any younger gamers who might want to know more about the characters and it states: €œTypically, one's sexual habits are considered natural and separate from matters of procreation, and only among the nobility, where procreation involves issues of inheritance and the union of powerful families, is it considered of vital importance. Yet, even there, a noble who has done their duty to the family might be allowed to pursue their own sexual interests without raising eyebrows€

Comedian, gamer, film fanatic.