10 Progressive Characters Who Prove Video Games Aren't Bigoted

5. Dark Queen - Battletoads

The Dark Queen was the main antagonist is 1991€™s Battletoads and was also one of the first major female antagonists in gaming. She was a master of magic, commander of an army and ruthlessly despicable. Whilst she was overtly sexualised, clad in skimpy clothes you€™d see on a dominatrix, the importance of her role within equality in gaming shouldn€™t be undermined, showing that when it comes to evil, gender is irrelevant. The Dark Queen was, like any good megalomaniac should be, feared, intelligent, powerful and both loathed and worshipped. She was a stand out character of the games of that era, as well as being one of the hardest bosses you would ever do battle with. Since her first appearance, there has been a long line of powerful female antagonists following suit.

Comedian, gamer, film fanatic.