10 Promising Games You Didn't Know Were Coming In 2015

2. Fortnite

Developer: Epic Games Release: 2015 Despite being developed by industry behemoths Epic Games, Fortnite has been curiously under the radar of most people. First announced way back in 2011, Fortnite will be a free-to-play title that centres around multiplayer scavenging and survival. Utilising Epic's very own Unreal Engine 4, Fortnite features a day and night cycle that's totally intrinsic to the gameplay. During the day, players are encouraged to explore, scavenge and build. This is all in preparation for the night, during which monsters will appear and attack the player-made constructions (along with the players within them.) It's not a totally groundbreaking concept, but Fortnite looks the part with its bold, cartoony aesthetics, and it'll be interesting to see how Unreal Engine 4 handles a sandbox survival game. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PhpNnd1FITU
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