6. Oni
In Japanese folklore, 'Oni' are ghostlike, supernatural figures which can take on many forms. In videogame folklore, Oni is a 2001 action game developed by Bungie and published for the PS2 by Rockstar Games. Maybe the studio wished their game had taken on many forms, because it didn't quite hit home with the gaming public like they'd likely have wanted it to. Shockingly, or perhaps not given the track record of both studios, Oni is a tremendously well-built game. Hand-to-hand combat is the main form of fighting mechanic in the game, but shooting is of course present too. Rare at the time in third-person titles, the enjoyable nature of both fisticuffs and guns makes this one fans of manga and martial arts should take a look at. The story may be rather twisted and confusing, but the overall presentation - including the gameplay engine - holds up nicely today.