10 PS4 & Xbox One Games That Launched Completely Broken

2. Street Fighter V

street fighter v 5

There's been a long running tradition over the last two decades of trying to find the most hilarious glitches in a Street Fighter game. For you odd few who like to toy with the game until it wildly malfunctions, you'll be pleased to know the Street Fighter V is chock-full of them.

When fighting as Vega against Chun-Li, Vega can be hurtled towards the stars if he is slammed into a corner and a certain two moves are used at the same time. Not only is this greatly amusing but it allows players to take in the scenery in a way they never could before. Fans also found themselves battling in space after another glitch, which allowed them to fight within the background of the stage select menu.

Not all of these problems were a laugh however, as on day one, many players suffered from various matchmaking and network errors. This stung even more when online play was required to unlock certain parts of the game - it was just unfinished and poorly tested. Simple as.

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