10 PS4 & Xbox One Games That Launched Completely Broken

3. Just Cause 3

Just Cause 3
Avalanche Studios

Paraded as an overblown, non-stop action-fest, Just Cause 3 was set to be the glorious return that Rico Rodriguez desperately needed after a five year absence.

But behind its vast open world, improved mechanics and shiny new toys to play with, lay a number of glaring technical faults that pushed critics to dish out some of the lowest scores the series has seen to date. Embarrassingly, the frame rate dramatically dipped during the most intense over-the-top action - precisely what the game was being marketed on.

Players found themselves thrown into the air when exiting vehicles, being attacked by un-seeable forces and soaring to the ground with an invisible parachute. This did make for a number of hilarious moments, but was also irritating when you finally wanted to actually play the game.

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Author, bass guitarist, beard enthusiast.